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This page is just for fun. I have info.and pics of friends and TLC. Hope ya like it!

This is one of my favorite TLC pics
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We got TLC to the left

My Outlook on all Thats Happened
My feelings about Lisa's passing are kind of mixed and there are so many. I'm very hurt and upset that shes gone, but I know that everything happens for a reason. Even thought that may be true, I still can't find a reason for this to happen. It seems to me like she was taken at one of the most unexpected times in her life. She turned her life around- she got really into cleansing and god, she was working on the 4th TLC album, she finished her solo album "Supernova" and she was working on another project with her N.I.N.A. identity. She was very special to a lot of people. I will never forget the day I found out. It was about 5:45am April 26,2002. I was getting ready for school when my mom ran down the hall saying "did they just say Left-Eye died?" It was such a shocking thing for me to hear that I had to ask her repeat was she just said. She repeated again "I think on the radio they just said that Left-Eye died in a car crash". My heart sunk. All I could do was cry. I immediatly ran into my room and turned on MTV. At the bottom of the screen I saw the news. I was so upset that I didn't even go to school. For most of the day I really didn't know what to do. At times I just felt in disbeleif. You know?, why her?, how could this have happened? But I have to except this and make sure she is remembered forever. Another thing, I am very angry with the media. They had no problem recognizing the mistakes she made and making a big deal out of them but when it came to all the good things she did like volunteer helping children w/ Lupus or adopting a child she didn't get any credit for it. And what about her death? Yeah of course some of the papers (and very few magazines) briefly mentioned it. I'm very disappointed in MTV. A one hour video special and a half hour of "The Life of Left-Eye" was all they gave her. In my opinion she got nowhere near as much attention and recognition as she deserved. I feel something needs to be done about this, thats why i'v decided to write letters and emails to various magazines asking them to help me do something about this. I am also in the process of sending around a petition to help out the letters I will be sending out. I will post the link for those who don't recieve the petition through e-mail. I appreciate everyone who took the time to read this.

If u wanna talk to me online IM me
